Different Types of Blog Writing

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Blogs are pieces of writing based mainly on the author’s experience and knowledge about specific subjects. Blogs look into the qualities of a particular person, event, product, process, incident, or thing that the blogger writes for publication.

Blogs are usually published on blog sites or a website that specializes in specific topics that the blogger has written. Blog writers have some experience in writing, while some have undergone training in writing or have developed their innate talent in writing.

If you are not a writer and still want to create a blog, look for a writer who writes blogs, and convey to him or her your story, and the way you want the story to be written. In the long run, you will be able to write a blog for publication.

Blogs are more of feature articles rather than news articles. Since people read blogs that interest them most, blogs are written to satisfy the curiosity of readers regarding a particular topic. There are as many blogs as there are issues on this planet. We can classify blogs according to trends in blog sites.

News-oriented blogs. These type of blogs deal with current local and global issues that affect particular groups of stakeholders. The most common among the news-oriented blogs are political blogs and commentaries. Some blog writers also deal with disaster events while some write about fashion, actors and actresses and social events. However, such blogs, if not well written by a seasoned news writer could be subject to misinterpretation.

Travel blogs. These blogs are getting famous and more and more people who can write are into travel blog writing. Travel experiences of people are the ones that get more attention from readers. Readers are usually interested in a particular place, a beach or restaurant, a unique shop or just about any form of travel. Travel blogs are not only informative but entertaining as well.

Tech blogs. Technology blogs are written by people who have a good knowledge about technology in general and a specific product in particular. Examples of tech blogs are the different laptops in 2018 and how these laptops differ from one another regarding performance and price. Another is the features found in a new cell phone compared to other mobile phones in the market. Tech blogs can also appear in tech magazines aside from standard blog sites.

Garden and plant blogs. These blogs attract thousands of readers because of the popularity of backyard gardening, especially in the United States. Still, others go into more interesting areas like marijuana gardening, aside from planting herbal teas, culinary herbs, and other medicinal herbs. Selling these herbs online can bring unlimited income every year. Garden and plant blogs are one of the most popular blogs with a wide readership.

Financial blogs. This type of blog is getting the attention of more and more people because it could teach people how to save and invest money and how to spend one’s fortune. Financial blogs could be written by people who have extensive experience in financial planning and investment. Blogs about Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency trend have attracted more attention from readers.

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